Climate friendly travel to Umeå Folkets Hus
Climate friendly travel to Umeå.
Green travel:
Greener travel with SJ.
Ecotaxi med Eco Taxi.
Green landings with Malmö Aviation.
Climate friendly travel
Climate friendly travel to Umeå.
Green travel:
Greener travel with SJ.
Ecotaxi med Eco Taxi.
Green landings with Malmö Aviation.
Green traveling
Almost all trains in Sweden are electric and SJ only buys its electricity from renewable sources like water and wind for its trains. This means that the production of electricity for the trains causes minimal emissions. When calculate per person, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions on a trip from Stockholm to Gothenburg would be the equivalent of driving 3 millimeters on gasoline. All trips with SJ’s electric trains meet the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation’s requirements for Good Environmental Choice, the world’s toughest eco-label.
Every day, around 110,000 people travel to about 350 destinations in Sweden on SJ’s trains. In 2007, SJ had earning of 8,3 billion Swedish crowns. SJ’s 400 employees work hard to make train travel simple, comfortable and safe. Sj’s electric trains are labeled as Good Environmental Choice fulfilling the world’s toughest environmental requirements.
Green landings
The trips to and from Umeå are of course included in the concept of Green Meetings. Umeå airport works hard to implement the so-called green landings.
– A green landing means that you make a more even descent from the maximum height. The descent feels more like gliding and happens while to engines at very low revolutions. This reduces both fuel consumption and noise, says airport manager Karin Larsson-Tängden. Many landings are carried out this way in Umeå today.
Umeå Airport became environmentally certified in 1999 and was the first airport to do so in Scandinavia.
– We work hard to create the best conditions for green landings in Umeå and will gladly do what we can to live up to the environmental concerns that characterize Green meetings.
Malmö Aviation is environmentally certified!
To constantly be better is something we prioritize even in our environmental efforts. We are therefore proud to be the only regular airline to be environmentally certified according to ISO 14001.The environmental certification means that we have full control over how we affect the environment and that we take it upon ourselves to constantly improve our environmental performance. We do this continuously through our environmental management system that measures, registers and monitors our total environmental impact.
Malmö Aviation’s environmental goals lay within those areas where we have most impact: air emissions, noise, waste and our purchases.
Eco Taxi
Ecotaxi is a taxi company in Umeå that focuses on a strong environmental profile without compromising on price or service. All of Eco Taxi’s cars are of course environmentally friendly cars.
Umeå Taxi – Ecotaxis för the city of birches
Umeå Taxi’s environmental work is carried out by constantly striving to reduce and prevent pollution in the air, land and water. This is done by using cars, fuel, oil and tires of the highest environmental class.